Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Eating Machine

This scene of Modern Times, the 1936 comedy directed and produced by Charlie Chaplin, is particularly interesting because it touches on all the major themes of this film. The idea that machines are more efficient, and more productive than humans is proven wrong as the machine goes haywire in the middle of the demonstration. As the main character is force fed screws and then later bashed in the face with the dessert, the machine is useless.


Just as our main character is a guinea pig for this brand new eating machine, so are the many workers who are forced to work crazy hours and put their lives in danger just to make enough money to feed their families. At the beginning of this era, many workers lost limbs and lives and only with time did this change. 

Similarly, just the fact that this machine was even considered by the corporation shows the need and push for better and more efficient production.  This machine would allow the workers to be fed while having their hands free to keep working.  Cutting out their lunch break entirely would put this company ahead of their competitors.  This insane machine was refused but only after it malfunctioned.  The eagerness to increase productivity outweighs humanity. Even their very personal moments of eating and choice of what to eat is attempted to be regulated, just as they all are during their work days.  All of the workers are treated as pieces of a machine.

Lastly, this scene is just funny! (Personal Side Note) My favorite was the sponge wiper thing that wipes his face off after each bite.  Especially when things go haywire, this part always makes me laugh. 

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